Maybe you are not really sure whether you want to move to Switzerland (or any country for that matter).
Or maybe you can't wait. In that case, don't!
Do not waste yet another year in which you lose valuable life time and might lose your focus. You might change your mind and end up staying where you currently live and eventually be frustrated that you never made that leap to beautiful Switzerland (or the country of your dreams).
A recruiter is essentially like a traditional market maker: They take a cut away from your salary (or add cost from the business perspective), but they also provide speed. The right recruiter can connect you to a couple of qualified companies who are looking to hire people like you exactly now and get you a job offer within days or a few weeks instead of many months.
More importantly: They can provide you with valuable advice on what salary ranges are realistic and how you need to behave in the interview with that specific company.
Of course, there is some hidden cost involved. Your future employer often pays two monthly salaries as a finder's fee to the recruiter. This means that your employer might either try to negotiate a slightly lower salary with you to compensate for that cost or that you could lose to another candidate who is equally qualified and less expensive - if they have a such a choice. If you are lucky however and your skill set is specialized enough, they may not have that choice.
There are really big recruiting firms and I would recommend that you go with a smaller one first. My experience with the big recruiting firms is that they don't have the time to understand you. I have talked to so many recruiters from the big players and it feels like a voice UI for LinkedIn. You tell them a few keywords and then some more or less arbitrary list of jobs come back. At least for me, that was not helpful because I went to many interviews where I met nice people but eventually reached the conclusion that the job or project was not really special and had to decline.
And it's just really annoying if you talk to an IT recruiter and you say "I am really good with language X and framework Y" and the person on the other side has absolutely no clue what that is.
I am not a recruiter but a software engineer and work with a few select partners from small recruitment agencies. Talk to me if you are looking for a really awesome tech job in Switzerland.
This article is not financial, tax or legal advice by any means.
I am only sharing my own personal experiences here.
Always seek professional financial, tax or legal advice before making decisions.
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